...which about explains my method for keeping my sculpting tools from sticking to the GS. And no, I didn't do that when I was still using a scalpel.
I did things! Come and see.
First up, the first five Rough Riders are ready for paint. Huzzah!
The group:

And an angle showing off the newer three:

Muskie has been whining at me through at least four different means of communication to try and get a game, because he has apparently gotten tired of not losing horribly. Thus, I made up a 1250 point army list that I think I can complete with what I have at hand and in a relatively short time frame.
With that in mind, here is the first squad in Blue Platoon. The front five are done save their bedrolls, and the rear five are bitz box rescues who need their guns and bedrolls.
Internet points if you can spot the origin of the Sergeant's arm.

Speaking of bitz box diving, here's a brace of tanks I'm restoring. The Basilisk was "painted", though I am hesitant to dignify it with that term, and was festooned with Orky glyphs and trophies. Those have come off, leaving the tank itself in better condition than I was expecting. I like the look of it without the gun shield, so I may leave it off.

The Leman Russ isn't really a restoration, I guess. It's been in there for literally years, missing only a hull mount and some paint. I'm missing the proper bits for the mount, as you can no doubt discern, so I have to think of a way to disguise it. I'm thinking sandbags...

Here's a WIP and slightly blurry Highlander. He'll be the second of the Ladies from the Warp.

The Drop Trooper, with headgear and hand. I'm pretty pleased with the hand, given that it was my first attempt ever.

And for something completely different...