I crush you like bug. Of course I haven't painted crap since the last time you threatened to lose to me. There is a 1700 point 2 day tournament this weekend. But I really fell like I should focus on bigger issues. I still haven't finished my 1500 point Astro Van army, but I'm also still unemployed...
Old Games & Old Guys
This week I have been thinking about a few things going on with me and
gaming. No I am not getting out of it, but were my recent thoughts have
New year - new start -
One year is gone and I have to start new. Time and inspiration to do all
the things, who are going wrong in the past. There are some pictures about
my roo...
Returning from the Warp
*It is a darker time. *
*The galaxy is riven, beset on all sides by implacable foes who seem
without number; without end. *
*Our allies and comrades-in-a...
688 - Painting Chart Updates (Part 1 - WWII)
Hullo All,
Well, I'm back at work (which sucks) but I'm also partway through a pretty
productive summer!
I thought I'd mark this by updating where I am wi...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
New Let's Plays
Why good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
I am here again, after a pretty darn tootin' long time, with some brand new
let's plays on my Youtube channel.
Had a spare day to play with some toys!
Well, play.. I'm still here, still alive, and still working 60+ hour weeks.
so while i'm getting a little gaming in on my PC (played a little for Honor
Workbench 16.10.M3
Now that the blog's machine spirits have been placated, images have
returned. Thank you to everyone that let me know they weren't working.
The strangeness ...
Weathering in Style - Pt2
After the night drying, it was time to put the base colours down. This is
where I give a little something of my idea away.
My long time intent was to build...
Dropfleet Commander – Kickstarter
Be sure to check out the Dropfleet Commander kickstarter – the game is
looking awesome so far:
Retribution - The Battlegroup
The next bettlegroup to tackle is the Retribution, or commonly known as
the angry-elf-faction. For inspiration I took a look through the art, and
the b...
The Dark Knight Full Movie Online
Watch The Dark Knight Full Movie Streaming Online Duration 152 minutes and
broadcast on 2008-07-18 MPAA rating is 4699.
- *Status :* Released
- *R...
Zombie Wedding Cake Topper
It's been forever since I've posted. I've had horrible artist's block and
lots of stress from work.
But I did get a request from a long time friend to pain...
Stepping away from blogging for a while
I know, this isn't exactly 40k related, but I wanted to break from the
normal stuff and talk about something that has been following me in the
shadows for...
Project: Terror 2013 prelude
A foreword about Project: Terror 2013. I've been in the hobby is the
summer/fall of 1990. I've loved all aspects of warhammer 40k from the rich
stories to ...
Guild, BoLS, Gencon and Leviticus
Well yet again I have been negligant in my blogging, a good excuse this
time though with my wedding and honeymoon in June and July, now things have
Model sale off on eBay
Dear readers, it’s been a while from my last post. The reason is that not
only I had switch to another, more demanding job back on 2008, but the
Progress! On A Small Scale
Any progress is good progress as far as I’m concerned.
[image: IMG_0096]
I still need to do a lot more with these, but I can say that they’re close
to d...
A year in review
Well, its been nearly a year since i last made a post to the blog!
The last year has been so hectic for me that writing the blog was often the
last thing ...
Turn order and Initiative
There’s three main ways of organising how players take turns in a campaign
ranging from the very simple simultaneous method, to the ordered method or
the m...
Ebay/Goodbye: Final goodbye and Salamanders are up.
I'm sorry but i forgot to put up that the warriors and silver skulls had
gone up on ebay but here is the link to my green salamanders marines:
Astronomi-con Vancouver 2010
The best Warhammer 40,000 tournament in Canada, possibly even North America
came and went this past weekend. I’m not sure the final total of numbers
but I...
Games Day 2010 Pics
Well, I hadn't planned to go to Games Day 2010, but I happened to win a
ticket. Many thanks to Shelexie over at Wanna B Painter. At first I was
going to gi...
For Sale: Dwarf Army
Hello guys! I'm afraid the blog has been rather dead of late, but I am
still out there. I'm currently in the middle of a long stretch of straight
working d...
Sky Claws Considered
I've finished painting my skylaws. Unfortunately it has been too soggy
outside to get the krylon finish on these guys. I have to admit, I was a
bit disappo...
Finally and update
So obviously this has been a long time coming. Sadly I have no real update
I have been wounded in action. I do however have about 15 Guardsmen fully
built ...
The Return
Greetings all! I apologize for my absence for the past few months, but
school has been taking up a lot of my time. Now that summer is upon us,
however, I h...
Cock it all
Something I wrote a while ago, but I really enjoyed. Please enjoy, and
spelling be DAMNED!!
Cock it all
Scene 1-Street EXT-Night
Two men enter an empty s...
Hullo everyone!
I haven't updated in a couple of months, and I thought I'd apprise all of
you on the situation.
I've been really sick, to the point where ...
TUTORIAL - Chaos Bases
One fateful day, about two years ago, I picked up the recent copy of White
Dwarf. In that issue was an article about creating Chaos World tables and
LONG Hiatus.... ENDED!!!
Well I've been having some family issues so haven't had any time to work on
my troops much less post on my blog, but those are mostly over for now so
I happened to stumble upon this guys blog:
He puts up some great pictures of some guys praetorian ar...
I crush you like bug. Of course I haven't painted crap since the last time you threatened to lose to me. There is a 1700 point 2 day tournament this weekend. But I really fell like I should focus on bigger issues. I still haven't finished my 1500 point Astro Van army, but I'm also still unemployed...