I redid No. 1 Gun's base entirely, and I'm pleased with how it came out. Like with the rubble on the other gun, I'm going to try and pile the sand/gravel up around it to try and suggest that it's a half-buried ruin, as opposed to them being in an urban area.

The piper. I gave him a shoulder strap for the pipes as Itkovian over on the Ammo Bunker suggested.

And the first four members of Green/C, the hustling squad. The meltagunner is braced as he provide covering fire.

Your piper could really use something on his right shoulder.. An ammo belt maybe? I know that the model is supposed to be lopsided, what with the bagpipes and all, but it just feels like he's missing something.
ReplyDeleteAs a Yukoner, living in Vancouver, I am really glad to see these guys coming together!
ReplyDeleteI bought a bunch of those British gasmask heads for my Nurgle Marines... but didn't end-up using 'em (they look just perfect on IG though!).
NemFX~You've got a good point. It occured to me that he doesn't have a weapon! Maybe I'll give him a rifle slung over the other shoulder.
ReplyDeleteMr.Esty~Really? It always surprises me how many of us Yukoners are in Vancouver. Where abouts you from, if you don't mind me asking. I was in Faro before moving south.
Whitehorse :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, have a French band rocking the bagpipes while trying to sing in Spanish. Or something.. I don't fully understand it either. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlKSIduOsUA