Monday, September 28, 2020

The Cult Expands

 Got some more work on the Cult done - finished the Neophytes squad and added a pack of Aberrants.

Next on the docket for them are some Genestealers, and a pair of metal Lictors I found and reassembled.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

All Hail the Four-Armed Emperor

 Whew, that was a long nap. Did I miss anything? ...what do you mean, "Cicatrix Maledictum"?

Hey look it's a Genestealer Cult Kill Team!  I combined the Orlock gangers with the GC upgrade sprue as I want to have some visual distinction between this Kill Team and a theoretical future GC Combat Patrol.  The colour scheme was dictated by the contents of the newest starter paint kit as I'm still attempting necromancy on my old collection of paints.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sniper vet

A small side project, one Yukoni sniper veteran. I built him initially as a one-off for a competition, but I think he just became the prototype for what my vets are going to look like...


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Behold, a legal army!


The last three members of the D Company Command Squad, the piper and two bodyguards, which means...


HQ and two Troops! Huzzah! Legal army! Fiiiiinally.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Goodbye, my lady.


This weekend I lost my best friend of six years, Emma, so it seems oddly appropriate that I post this now, since she was Dog Company's namesake and mascot.


There's the first half of the Company Command Squad, with, from left to right, the Company Sergeant-Major, the company 2IC (whose name escapes me at the moment), the Company Standard (bearing Emma's likeness and some very bad Latin saying "Bark and Bite"), and a Guardsman. Still to come are the company piper and the two Highlander bodyguards, but and this is the part I could use some suggestions on, I don't know what tartan to paint them in. For the Platoon Command Squads I used the base colour of the platoon, but I'm not sure what to use for the Company Command Squad...

Monday, April 18, 2011

One year later, finally did something

Well, it's been almost exactly a year since my last update, and I finally got around to doing more work on the Yukoni, after a round of intensive spring cleaning made my workspace usable again and got the juices flowing. Not to mention the shaming/nagging from Muskie...

First up, I finished Green Platoon's heavy weps squad, which means I have completed my Troops choices, at least for 1250 points. Two full, massive platoons! Huzzah!


Finally, one of my main stumbling blocks was the Colossi. I couldn't figure out how to do the actually mechanism, so I decided just to "cheat" and build an enclosed cab. It's still pretty rough, but it's my first scratch tank conversion of this scale...


Next, I'm going to paint the Company Command. ONWARDS!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Blah blah blah overtime blah blah blah Mass Effect 2 blah blah blah excuses...


A WIP Colossus:
Yeah, I know I went a bit overboard with the barrel size, but at least I managed not to but chainsaws on it somewhere... That is just a mockup, and I'm a little unsure of how to proceed. Any suggestions, anyone? Are the Basilisk...gear...things...sufficient or do the mechanisms need more work?

Green/Heavy Weapons:
I forgot to get pictures of these guys before basecoating them, but I think the relevant details still show through.

And the Company Command squad.

Piper, Guardsmen and Standard Bearer:

Company Sergeant Major and Captain:


Also, in non-Yukoni news, I've been working on a kilted Marine for a competition over on the Bolter and Chainsword.
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